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#1 Posted : Wednesday, January 20, 2021 2:10:10 PM(UTC)

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I am not versed in Tesseract nor OCR beyond understanding what they are in general. I simply pulled together the necessary files and two supporting methods in the SPTesseract class to be able to make this work.
I have only tested this in the most basic way, selecting an area with a light background and dark, legible, text.

Plug-In and Required Files: (177 MB)

- You must have a minimum version of
- Extract all files/folders directly into\Plug-Ins folder using 7-Zip or some other method which doesn't block the DLLs
- If you update the current working directory used by S+, this might fail to load the trained data files
- Should look like the image below

You will also need to ensure you have the Microsoft VC Runtime installed: MSVC Runtime

Put this function in Global Actions > Load/Unload > Load (script):
This is a wrapper for extracting text based on a language and rectangle
function GetTesseractText(lang, rect) {

    //Capture an image from the screen using the Rectangle passed in

    var memoryImage = new drawing.System.Drawing.Bitmap(rect.Width, rect.Height);
    var memoryGraphics = drawing.System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(memoryImage);
    memoryGraphics.CopyFromScreen(rect.X, rect.Y, 0, 0, new Size(rect.Width, rect.Height));

    Get Tesseract Page object 
    First param in Bitmap image
      - From code above

    Second param is language
      - See Plug-Ins\TesseractTrainedData folder for other trained data files
      - Appears to be just the first part of the file name; "eng" for English

    Third param is Tesseract.EngineMode enum value: 
      - TesseractOnly = "0"
      - LstmOnly = "1"
      - TesseractAndLstm = "2"
      - Default = "3"

    Last param is Tesseract.PageSegMode
      - OsdOnly = "0"
      - AutoOsd = "1"
      - AutoOnly = "2"
      - Auto = "3"
      - SingleColumn = "4"
      - SingleBlockVertText = "5"
      - SingleBlock = "6"
      - SingleLine = "7"
      - SingleWord = "8"
      - CircleWord = "9"
      - SingleChar = "10"
      - SparseText = "11"
      - SparseTextOsd = "12"
      - RawLine = "13"
      - Count = "14"

    SPTesseract class also has the function below defined:

    List<Rectangle> GetPageSegmentedRegions(Page page, string iteratorLevel)

    Pass Page object from the SPTesseract.GetPage method with one of the PageIteratorLevel values:
      - Block = "0"
      - Para = "1"
      - TextLine = "2"
      - Word = "3"
      - Symbol = "4"

    All other methods/properties are standard Tesseract 4.1.1 from:

    var tpage = SPTesseract.GetPage(memoryImage, lang, "3", "3");
    var ocrText = tpage.GetText();
    return ocrText;

Example action script to test recognition and show source rectangle:
//Use the square gesture, to draw a box around the desired area
//Shows the text recognized by Tesseract (English data file) and the dimensions of the rectangle

sp.MessageBox(`Text: ${GetTesseractText("eng", new Rectangle(action.Bounds.X, action.Bounds.Y, action.Bounds.Width, action.Bounds.Height))}
Rect.X: ${action.Bounds.X}
Rect.Y: ${action.Bounds.Y}
Rect.Width: ${action.Bounds.Width}
Rect.Height: ${action.Bounds.Height}`, 
"Text, Rect");

Edited by user Tuesday, August 3, 2021 2:53:42 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Updated download to version 1.1 - fixed memory leak

thanks 3 users thanked Rob for this useful post.
AppleBag on 4/17/2021(UTC), Matija on 6/24/2021(UTC), bjarkirafn on 7/6/2021(UTC)
#2 Posted : Tuesday, August 3, 2021 3:06:49 PM(UTC)

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Replace the 1.0 with the new download link (1.1) in the original post. There was a huge memory leak that resulted in each OCR request creating a new OCR engine and page, never disposing of them.

Existing scripts should still be compatible, just that behind the scenes new calls to GetPage will:
  • conditionally reuse the existing engine (if language or engine mode hasn't changed) or release/create a new one
  • release the previous Page and create a new one

Also, there are additional calls available to the plugin:
  • void SetEngine(string lang, string engineMode)
  • void ReleaseEngine()
  • void ReleasePage()

None of these calls are required, but I would recommend calling ReleasePage after you're done extracting text.
If you're not using OCR calls frequently, you can also then call ReleaseEngine - but note that initializing the OCR engine takes some time, so if you release the engine after each call, scripts that use OCR will have a delay as a new engine is instantiated.
#3 Posted : Tuesday, August 3, 2021 4:37:33 PM(UTC)

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Updated function, if you want to pass in a scaling multiplier, e.g. 2 to increase the captured image size by 200%
function GetTesseractText(lang, rect, scale) {

    //Capture an image from the screen using the Rectangle passed in

    var memoryImage = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(rect.Width, rect.Height);
    var memoryGraphics = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(memoryImage);
    memoryGraphics.CopyFromScreen(rect.X, rect.Y, 0, 0, new System.Drawing.Size(rect.Width, rect.Height));

    if(!isNaN(scale)) {
        //Original Image attributes
        var originalWidth = memoryImage.Width;
        var originalHeight = memoryImage.Height;

        // now we can get the new height and width
        var newHeight = parseInt(originalHeight * scale);
        var newWidth = parseInt(originalWidth * scale);

        var scaledImage = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(newWidth, newHeight);
        var scaledGraphics = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(scaledImage);

        scaledGraphics.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
        scaledGraphics.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
        scaledGraphics.PixelOffsetMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
        scaledGraphics.CompositingQuality = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingQuality.HighQuality;

        scaledGraphics.DrawImage(memoryImage, 0, 0, newWidth, newHeight);
        memoryImage = scaledImage;

    Get Tesseract Page object 
    First param in Bitmap image
      - From code above

    Second param is language
      - See Plug-Ins\TesseractTrainedData folder for other trained data files
      - Appears to be just the first part of the file name; "eng" for English

    Third param is Tesseract.EngineMode enum value: 
      - TesseractOnly = "0"
      - LstmOnly = "1"
      - TesseractAndLstm = "2"
      - Default = "3"

    Last param is Tesseract.PageSegMode
      - OsdOnly = "0"
      - AutoOsd = "1"
      - AutoOnly = "2"
      - Auto = "3"
      - SingleColumn = "4"
      - SingleBlockVertText = "5"
      - SingleBlock = "6"
      - SingleLine = "7"
      - SingleWord = "8"
      - CircleWord = "9"
      - SingleChar = "10"
      - SparseText = "11"
      - SparseTextOsd = "12"
      - RawLine = "13"
      - Count = "14"

    SPTesseract class also has the function below defined:

    List<Rectangle> GetPageSegmentedRegions(Page page, string iteratorLevel)

    Pass Page object from the SPTesseract.GetPage method with one of the PageIteratorLevel values:
      - Block = "0"
      - Para = "1"
      - TextLine = "2"
      - Word = "3"
      - Symbol = "4"

    All other methods/properties are standard Tesseract 4.1.1 from:

    var tpage = SPTesseract.SPTesseract.GetPage(memoryImage, lang, "3", "3");
    var ocrText = tpage.GetText();
    return ocrText;

Added release page call
NOTE - the above script is intended for use in version (beta as of this writing) or higher.
For <, just replace SPTesseract.SPTesseract with SPTesseract.

Edited by user Tuesday, August 3, 2021 11:07:11 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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